


今年1月に早すぎる生涯の幕を閉じた、NBAスターのKobe Bryant。このブログでも何度も紹介しているように、特に2016年に引退をしてからは健全なユーススポーツ環境を創るために積極的に活動をしていました。

コービーブライアントとユーススポーツコービーブライアントがProject Playを通して実現したかったユーススポーツ環境改善のビジョンと、そこにかけた情熱を、もっと多くの人に知ってもらいたくてこのエントリーを書きました。...




I had a summer where I played basketball when I was 10-11 years old. And here I come playing, and I don’t score one point the entire summer. Not one. Not a free throw, nothing…not a lucky shot, not a breakaway layup. Zero points. And I remember crying about it and being upset about it.

And my father just gave me a hug and said, “Listen, whether you score zero or score 60, I’m gonna love you no matter what

And that is the most important thing, that you can say to a child.

Because from there I was “okay, that gives me all the confidence in the world to fail. I have the security there.” I tell this to my daughter, and my daughter’s team as well that I coach.


And my parents, growing up, they instilled in me the importance of imagination, of curiosity.

Understanding that “Okay, if you want to accomplish something, I’m not just going to sit here and say, Yes, you can do whatever you want. Yes you can, but you have to also put in the work to get there”.

And when you grow up as a kid thinking that the world is your oyster…all things are possible if you put in the work to do it. You grew up having that fundamental belief, it was really influential at a really critical time.


And I’d go to practice and I’d train and I’d be sore and I’d be tired, and she wants to go swimming, she wants me to take her to the park, she wants to just jump on my back or whatever the case may be, You can’t say “I’m too tired. I’m going to lay down” That’s not fair. She doesn’t know what the hell is going on.


What brings you the most joy right now?(今、一番の喜びを与えてくれるものは?)という質問に対して

Being with my family. That is, man, that is the most fun. Hanging out with them all summer. Being able to do things that I ordinally could not do because of training, because of games and stuff like that. So being around them and watching Bianca grow up, because a lot of things that I missed with Natalia and Gianna because I was playing. So being there everyday with them, they are so much fun man.

Sometimes I’d fly back. I’d play a game. And to not miss my daughter’s birthday. I’d fly back, be there for her birthday. And then fly back with the team. Just to make sure I don’t miss anything.


What does love feel like for you?(あなたにとって、愛とは?)という質問に対して

I think I would describe love as happiness. I think I’d describe it as a beautiful journey. It has its ups and downs, right? Whether it’s in marriage or whether it’s in the career. Things are never perfect, but through love you can continue to persevere. And you move through and then through that storm, beautiful sun emerges. And inevitably another storm comes. And guess what? You ride that one out too. So I think love is a persistence to go through the good time and the bad time with the someone or something that you truly love.

In loving memory of

Kobe Bryant 1978-2020

Gianna Maria-Onore Bryant 2006-2020

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