先日のNFLカンファレンス決勝を制し、来月行われる決勝戦(スーパーボール)で自身7度目のNFL制覇を狙うTom Brady。彼はベースボール・バスケットボール・サッカーなど複数のスポーツをプレーして育ち、フットボールを本格的に始めた高校一年時は0勝8敗のチームでもベンチだったという「マルチスポーツ+遅咲き」のアスリートだったようです。
- 地域ベース
- 異なる事・異なるスポーツ
- ただ遊んでいた
- 遅咲きであって欲しいと願う
- 子供たちの競争が、早すぎる時期から始まっている
- より多くのことに触れることで、子供たちは自分が人生を通して本当にやりたいことに出会える機会が増える
“What I remember from being in youth sports, everything was really localized. There was no travel teams. Well, there was a couple, but you really had to be the top, top kid to go on those teams. My parents always exposed us to different things, different sports. It was basketball when it was basketball season, it was baseball when it was baseball season. I didn’t play football ’til I was a freshman in high school. A lot of soccer. And there were just some camps. But I just played in the neighborhood in our street with all the kids that we grew up with.
“It’s just different now, experiencing it with my own kids. All the organized activities that you put them in. I made a comment for a while now, I hope my kids are late bloomers in whatever they do because they’re going to be exposed to so much at such an early time that, yeah, you do worry about what their motivation may be as they get older or if they feel like they’ve been in something for so long and it’s been hyper-intense and hyper-focused for so long, I think that can wear out a young individual, a young teenager. It’s just hard, because all the parents are doing it, it seems. The competition, it feels like it starts so early for these kids, whether it’s to get into college, or to get into the right high school, or the right elementary school.
“I don’t know how it’s taken a turn, but sometimes it’s nice just for kids to be kids. At least that’s just from what I remember when I was growing up. I think that was a great opportunity for the kids to develop lots of parts of their personality. And certainly for me that’s what I found, ultimately I found something that I loved to do at a young age. The more you’re exposed to, I think the better opportunity is for all kids to figure out what they really want to do in life.”